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Slides der Dutch PHP Conference 2011

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In unserem Nachbarland gab es vorletztes Wochenende wieder viel wissenswertes auf der Dutch PHP Conference 2011 zu hören, an 3 Tagen gab es 35 Talks und 7 Tutorials auf die Ohren. Da ich leider dieses Jahr nicht dort sein konnte hier die Liste der Talks inklusive Slides soweit vorhanden:

19. Mai 2011

ZCE 5.3 Exam Preparation
Lorna Mitchell

Optimizing MySQL Essentials
Ligaya Turmelle

Caching on the edge
Fabien Potencier

Think like an ant, distribute the workload
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson

XP Principles and Practices
Sebastian Schürmann

Doctrine 2
Juozas Kaziukėnas

Isolation for your tests
Giorgio Sironi

20. Mai 2011

Making the new everyday things
Aral Balkan

TDD and getting paid
Rowan Merewood

ZeroMQ Is The Answer
Ian Barber

Tips and Tricks for Tuning PHP for Windows and IIS
Mark Brown

Searching with Solr – Why, When and How
Paul Matthews

Zend Framework from the CLI
Cal Evans

IPv6 for PHP Developers
David Soria Parra

Pursuing Practices of Domain – Driven Design in PHP
Giorgio Sironi

Developing & Deploying High Performance PHP Applications
Christopher Jones

Geolocation and Maps with PHP
Derick Rethans

Cooking up your development environment
Alistair Stead

The hitchhikers guide to agile
Sebastian Schürmann

Inside DocBlox
Mike van Riel

How XHP Revolutionized Frontend Development at Facebook
Stefan Parker

So you think you know REST?
Evert Pot

Simplify your external dependency management
Stephan Hochdoerfer

Public key encryption 101
Joshua Thijssen

Clean PHP
Sebastian Bergmann

Distributed Couch Apps – Embracing eventual consistency
Kore Nordmann

Implementing Comet using PHP
Jonas Marien

The missing link between IDE and webserver
Arne Rudolph

Why Google Maps sucks
Derick Rethans

PHPSpec – BDD for PHP
Marcello Duarte

Zend Framework 2.0: what’s new and what’s changed?
Rob Allen

HTML5 for PHP Developers
Thorsten Rinne

Advanced OO patterns
Tobias Schlitt

Saving time by applying clean code principles – ranting about documentation
Volker Dusch

DPC Conference Social
Ibuildings, Sanoma Digital and Github

21. Mai 2011

First Class APIs
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson

Profiling PHP Applications
Derick Rethans

Implementing OAuth
Lorna Mitchell

The new era of PHP frameworks
Juozas Kaziukėnas

Launching content in mobility with REST & eZ Publish
Nicolas Pastorino

Optimising a Zend Framework application
Rob Allen

Strong cryptography in PHP
Enrico Zimuel

Managing a shared MySQL farm
Thijs Feryn

Writing documentation the easy way
Bram Vogelaar

Agility and Quality
Sebastian Bergmann

Modular Application Architecture
Tobias Schlitt

Character Sets Suck
Ligaya Turmelle

Bugfixing for Zend Framework
Bart McLeod

API driven Zend Framework app
Michelangelo van Dam

Tasks, daemons, light blubs
Dirk Engels

Practical Git
David Soria Parra

Large-Scale Data Processing with Hadoop and PHP
David Zülke

Let’s take over the world with Zend Framework
Martin de Keijzer

Phing – a PHP build tool – short introduction
Michiel Rook

Closing Keynote: Open Teams
Cal Evans

Written by Michael Kliewe

Juni 1st, 2011 at 9:37 am

One Response to 'Slides der Dutch PHP Conference 2011'

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  1. Wieder eine super Zusammenstellung der Vorträge.

    Vielen Dank


    1 Juni 11 at 10:45

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