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Präsentationen der Symfony Live Paris 2012

with 2 comments

Zeitgleich zur Dutch PHP Conference fand die alljährliche Symfony Live in Paris statt. Für all diejenigen die Symfony benutzen oder benutzen möchten, habe ich hier die Präsentationen der Konferenz auf einen Blick. Auch wenn nicht Symfony genutzt wird sind Themen wie Git, Propel2, Redis, MongoDB und weiteres abgedeckt, also für jeden etwas dabei.

07. Juni 2012

Fabien Potencier

What do I get from the full stack framework?
Richard Miller

Security: In Real Life
Johannes S

Conference Speaking 101
Stefan Koopmanschap

What mom never told you about Bundle configurations
Dennis Benkert

How we built the new responsive BBC News site
John Cleveley – Relaunch with symfony2, Assetic, Varnish and Twig
Gaylord Aulke

Dependency Management with Composer
Nils Adermann

Diving into PHP’s heart
Julien Pauli

Using MongoDB responsibly
Jeremy Mikola

Advanced Silex
Igor Wiedler

Dynamic Routing
David Buchmann

A unified SOAP/JSON API in Symfony2
Craig Marvelley

Designing REST API with Silex
Hugo Hamon

twig.js: The Templating Engine for the Client-Side
Johannes S

Symfony2 components to the rescue of your PHP projects
Xavier Lacot

Composer’s SAT solver
Nils Adermann

Jeremy Mikola

08. Juni 2012

Designing HTTP Interfaces and RESTful Web Services
David Zülke

Introduction to Propel2
William Durand

ORMs don’t kill your database, developers do!
Guilherme Blanco

Advanced Service Container Utilization
Richard Miller

Redis – Your advanced in-memory key-value store
Jordi Boggiano

Decoupling Content Management with Create and PHPCR
Henri Bergius

There is a Bundle for that
Christophe Coevoet

Vespolina E-commerce
Daniel Kucharski

Behat by example (Behat best practices)
Konstantin Kudryashov

Symfony2 search engine propelled by Solr
Xavier Briand

Symfony2 meets Drupal 8
Larry Garfield

Object Calisthenics applied to PHP
Guilherme Blanco

Symfony2 CMF
Lukas Kahwe Smith

L’utilisation de Symfony2 chez Overblog

Declare Independence from your IT department: sysadmin skills for Symfony developers
Pablo Godel

Improving Code Quality with Jenkins
Sebastian Göttschkes

Git internals and how to use them in PHP
Magnus Nordlander

Translating Symfony Docs
Massimiliano Arione

Agile and Symfony
David Buchmann

PHP developers, what can Postgresql do for you ?
Grégoire HUBERT

Realtime Web Apps with WebSockets
Igor Wiedler

Written by Michael Kliewe

Juni 23rd, 2012 at 1:27 pm

2 Responses to 'Präsentationen der Symfony Live Paris 2012'

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  1. Slides für die Präsentation:


    Gaylord Aulke

    25 Juni 12 at 17:26

  2. Verlinkt, Danke! Dann fehlen nur noch 4…

    Michael Kliewe

    25 Juni 12 at 17:31

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