Slides der PHP Unconference Europe 2011 in Manchester
Ich habe schwer überlegt, nach Manchester zu fliegen und an der europäischen PHP Unconference teilzunehmen, die Hamburger Unconference ist ja ein Highlight jedes Jahr. Doch Kosten von knapp 250 Euro (Flüge, Hotelzimmer, Eintritt etc.) für 2 Tage haben mich dann doch abgeschreckt. Man merkte auch deutlich, dass die Resonanz recht gering war, die Tickets waren auch Wochen nach dem Start des Ticketverkaufs noch zu haben, beim Hamburger Event sind sie nach wenigen Tagen vergeben.
Nichts desto trotz hier die Agenda inklusive Links zu den Präsentationen, die ich gefunden habe. Wie auf einer Unconference üblig gab es viele Diskussionen oder improvisierte Talks, zu denen es keine Slides gibt:
Feb 19, 2011
Real Single Sign On (SSO)
Oliver Mueller
Wiki Eintrag
Speaking Tips for Developers
Lorna Mitchell
Dealing with Errors
Wiki Eintrag
Template-Based DOCX, DOC & PDF Generation with Zend Framework
Jonathan Maron
Memory Management, Garbage Collection, destruct(), debugging memory
Derick Rethans and James Baster
Wiki Eintrag
Clean Code: Stop wasting my time
Volker Dusch
Running a Project with Github
Lorna Mitchell
Web-Site Performance: Getting the Page to Appear Quickly
Jonathan Maron
Tools for Code Audit
Lorna Mitchell
PHPDox – an alternative to PHPDocumentor
Kore Nordman
Feb 20, 2011
Building a successful development team
Judith Andresen, Stefan Priebsch
Javascript for PHP Developers
Kathryn Reeve
HTML5 and Friends
Patrick H Lauke
Open Source Sponsoring (Panel Discussion)
Judith Andresen
Wiki Eintrag
Automated Release Procedures for the Web / DB Versioning and Deployment
Seb. Marek, ??
Wiki Eintrag
Project Management Meets Development: An Interstellar Meeting
Judith Andresen
Setting up Jenkins CI for PHP Projects
Sebastian Bergmann, Volker Dutch
Phing 101 or How to staff a build orchestra
Raphael Stolt
Wenn ihr noch welche findet, bitte Bescheid geben.
Judith hat inzwischen auch die Slides von „Building a successful development team“ online gestellt:
Stefan Priebsch
28 Feb. 11 at 07:15
Danke, eingetragen!
Michael Kliewe
28 Feb. 11 at 10:14
Hello Michael
Thank you very much for posting this review of PHP Unconference Europe. As one of the organizers of the unconference, however, there is one comment that I would like to make in response to the following sentence:
> Man merkte auch deutlich, dass die Resonanz recht gering war,
> die Tickets waren auch Wochen nach dem Start des Ticketverkaufs
> noch zu haben […]
After speaking to some of the organizers of PHPNW (a PHP conference in Manchester, UK), the organizers of PHP Unconference Europe found out that there is a fundamental difference in the buying behavior of Germans and Brits. Whereas Germans will purchase entry tickets six months in advance, Brits leave it to the very last minute, even if they had intended attending the unconference for months. This does, of course, make organizing unconferences in the UK more nerve-wracking than in Germany, however, it is an important cultural difference with which organizers must contend.
Therefore, the fact that tickets were still available 2 weeks before the unconference does not imply that there was little interest from the UK PHP community, rather it exemplifies the difference in buying behavior of Germans and Brits.
At the end of the day, 100 tickets were sold, which for the first year is very encouraging. Additionally, since the unconference, a number of very positive reviews have been published. The unconference in Hamburg is indeed very strong, in the meantime, but do not forget, it is in its fifth year in 2011.
The organizers of PHP Unconference Europe very much welcome you to attend next year’s event. We would love to see you there.
Very best regards
Jonathan Maron
Jonathan Maron
1 März 11 at 10:09
Hi Jonathan,
thanks for pointing that out in detail, that’s an interesting fact I didn’t know. Also the non-UK-tickets were available for many weeks, but that’s because of the travel costs and so on I think. You are right, it was the first year, and I also received feedback from some attendees in the last days that it was a special location and a nice unconf.
I would love to attend as I said, but the costs for these 1,5 days were too high this year for a private person, perhaps next time it is cheaper to travel to the unconf. Then I also have to decide between the bavarian unconf, the unconf in Hamburg and the EU unconf.
Michael Kliewe
1 März 11 at 10:38