(Fast) Alle Slides der IPC SE 2010
So, hier nun fast alle Präsentationen zu den Sessions auf der International PHP Conference Spring Edition 2010. Wer kann die Lücken füllen?
Continuous Inspection and Integration of PHP Projects
Sebastian Bergmann
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Bastian Feder, Nils Langner, Sven Kiera
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Softwarearchitektur mit PHP
Johann-Peter Hartmann
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An Introduction to MapReduce
David Zuelke
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Just married: Zend Framework and Doctrine
Benjamin Eberlei
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The Cake is a Lie
Sebastian Bergmann
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Get on With it: How to Run PHP Apps in the Cloud
Wil Sinclair
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Eclipse – PHP Tool Integration
Sven Kiera
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Zend Server im Cluster
Jan Burkl
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Git für Fortgeschrittene
David Soria Parra
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Surviving Architecture
Lars Jankowfsky, Johann-Peter Hartmann
PHP inside
Derick Rethans
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Building a PHP Preprocessor with Plain PHP
Arne Blankerts
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Von Continuous Integration zu Continuous Deployment
Manuel Pichler
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HiPHoP for PHP
Scott MacVicar
Frontend-Performance mit PHP
Frank Kleine, Nico Steiner
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PHP on the D-BUS
Derick Rethans
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Agile Softwareentwicklung
Thorsten Rinne
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Statische Codeanalyse wirklich effektiv nutzen
Manuel Pichler, Jan Schumann
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Better Quality through Scrum
Dominik Jungowski
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Follow Best Practices in PHP Development with PhpStorm IDE
Alexey Gopachenko
Connecting ITIL with Scrum
Dana Stoll
Asterisk und PHP – wenn der Webserver dreimal klingelt
Hans-Christian Otto
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Lokalisierung mit dem ECMS TYPO3
Daniel Pötzinger
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Scrum Does Not Work (for You)
Andreas Schliep
Scaling MySQL Writes through Partitioning
Philip Tellis
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Going NoSQL with MongoDB
Nate Abele
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Continuous Integration and Unit Testing in Agile Environments
Sebastian Bergmann
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Doctrine 2: Enterprise Persistence Layer for PHP
Guilherme Blanco
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Integrating PHP with Erlang
Alvaro Videla
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CSS/CSRF/HTML5 reloaded – Hands-on
Frank Ruske
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Jenseits von var_dump(): Debuggen im Zend Framework
Jan Burkl
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Dependency Injection in PHP 5.3
Fabien Potencier
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Premature Optimization Mistakes
Derick Rethans
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Volltextsuche mit Apache Solr
Alexander M. Turek
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Sugar is a RAD platform.
Lila Tretikov
Das MySQL-Treibhaus erweitern
Ulf Wendel
Präsentation auf Slideshare
Designer-Developer-Hölle: Holy Code! Holy Shit!
Daniela Feuersinger, Stefan Nitzsche, Stephan Schmidt
Keine Präsentation vorhanden, war ein Panel Talk
Create clean Code with Aspect-oriented Programming
Robert Lemke
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Practical PHP 5.3
Nate Abele
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23 Dinge, die Sie über Softwareentwicklung in Teams wissen sollten
Stephan Schmidt
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Integrating PHP with RabbitMQ
Alvaro Videla
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A better Approach for File System Dependent Tests
Frank Kleine
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Real-time Communication Techniques with PHP
Scott Mattocks, Chris Lewis
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coole Sache, da kann ich meine Liste vervollständigen :p
Viele Grüße
10 Juni 10 at 10:56